Saturday, May 16, 2009


I think all of us who are reading this blog should create a bank. I mean, how difficult can it be? Look at all the schmucks who already have a bank. Why shouldn't we have one too?

I considered calling it Goldman, Saks, instead of Goldman Sachs, for my wife's benefit, but then I thought-I don't want to be confused with those crustaceans, do I? On the other hand, I wouldn't want her to walk around with a platinum Goldman Saks credit card which nobody, not even Saks, would accept.

So I think we should create Oink, Inc.

Our logo will be a pig at the trough, with a background ofAlan Greenspan testifying to Congress. In the background, will be piles of pig shit, like Congress itself.

And the logo will be surrounded by sheaves of greenbacks, which makes the whole thing run.

So, sign up now for the OINK BANK, Inc. Maybe we'll get some TARP funds.

What would we want for our motto?

1 comment:

  1. Amusing idea. I think instead of BCCI scandal two decades ago, hailed as 'the largest bank fraud in world history', and which still dwarfs Madoff's puny efforts.

    BCCI was founded in Pakistan by Agha Hasan Abedi; a real study and absorption of the lessons that saga made for might well have helped us avoid the pickle we are in today. Then again, we didn't learn much from aiding and abetting the Taliban and its enablers from Reagan's time to the present, so why worry now?

    Note that Arianna Huffington might take issue with your 'pig at the trough' logo. I vote for Halal Ham as an alternative...a cute little porker in a burnoose with a post-nasal oil drip.
