Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Pennsylvania's Governor, the congenitally blubbering Ed Rendell, has proposed a 17% increase in individual State income taxes as a way to preserve "services" from the Commonwealth. Then, he began to run around the State predicting what dire consequences will result if the legislature does not bow to his wishes. Number one, he will cut off autistic children and other services to the handicapped. Number two, he will stop fuel oil deliveries to the poor in the winter.
Could this be the same bloated egotist that I admit I voted for twice for Governor and twice for Mayor of Philadelphia - the guy who on his first day as Mayor invited the public to help him clean up City Hall and got down on his knees to scrub a toilet?I am afraid so. This is the same guy who invited casino gambling into the State, who cowered before the NRA when it opposed a bill to require STOLEN HAND GUNS to be reported stolen to the police! This is the same jerk who loves to hang his arms around young women (preferably blond ones) and gave double-entendre come-on invitations to a reporter who then reported them!
This is the guy who we elected to an office in Harrisburg, but who insists on keeping an office in one of Philadelphia's most expensive office buildings, with a town car outside always at the ready.
Now this creep, who cannot stand for office again and has nothing to lose, wants to preserve our "services" by raising our taxes. In the middle of a Depression. Eff off, Ed.

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